Saturday, March 22, 2008

Philosophy of life

Its interesting, how after a long time I opened my journal, just to reflect back in time and I ran across a piece of my writing from 7/23/02, which of course was my philosophy in life back then. Here's my take on what is life?

- Life is like a bus-stop. You are the driver of your life and your soul is the conductor who will go with you everywhere you go, besides that people just come and go, they will ride along with you for some time, share some moments until there destination arrives, and then once again you are left on the driver seat, riding your bus with your conductor.

Which then leads me to the thought, that one should not expect things in life. I know it sounds depressing, but isn't expectations the key reason to disappointment, when they don't get fulfiled, you get disappointed and depressed - unless you learn never to give up & keep trying.

So would you then say that one should not expect or hope, since chances are you might get disappointed when neither of them are fulfilled and lastly that you should not dream, since dreams hardly come true, and they also give birth to hope ?

Interesting thought...I guess if it was enough - one may try to live life in a simple manner, perform good deeds, help someone in need and feel satisfied and content with whatever you have.

But its human nature to dream, hope for the best, want more, see dreams and work towards making them come true and never give up in life... Isnt that what life is all about, the challenges, to wake up with a feeling of going after something that you want and never giving up, no matter what obstacles or hurdles you may face.

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